Monday, September 05, 2011

Testicular Torsion Twisted Testes Syndrome

For some the phrase "Don't get your nuts in a twist" has a horrible and real painful meaning. Testicular Torsion or the twisting of the testes is a very painful condition. For someone with Testicular Torsion the spermatic cord that supplied all the blood to your testicles can get twisted which cuts off the blood supply. In addition to being painful Testicular Torsion can result in the loss of a testicle. It has been reported that Testicular Torsion can occur when the testicles are moved from a warm environment to a cool one such as winter or cold water. The relaxed testicles suddenly contract to stay warm. If the spermatic cord is twisted during this contraction it can result in Testicular Torsion. It is not a sure bet whether this is covered by Texas Disability or Illinois Medicaid payments and coverage.

Testicular Torsion Symptoms & Diagnosis:
If you feel any pain in your testicles you should see a doctor who will likley consider Testicular Torsion a possibility. Sometimes an ultrasound of the scrotum is necessary to determine if the source of testicle pain is Testicular Torsion. Many times when there is a loss of blood supply to the testicles symptoms might include nausea, pain and a dizzy feeling.