Tuesday, June 23, 2009

New York State Unemployment Hits 8.2%

This month the unemployment rate in New York hit 8.2% a rate not seen since 1993. Even after 9/11 the unemployment rate has not been so high. Citizens of New York have been applying the pressure on the New York State Department of Labor clogging phone lines with questions and applications for unemployment benefits. Those living in New York can now receive 33 weeks of unemployment insurance with a 13 week extension that was granted due to the high rate of unemployment. The NYS Unemployment system has not been this stretched in years and it is hoped that as the economy improves more and more New Yorkers will find new employment. It is recommended that if you need to apply for unemployment do it online to avoid long lines and hold times at the telecenter. Have all your information regarding your eligibility for unemployment and previous work history to ensure your benefit is not denied.