Defective Chevrolet Speedometer Part 3
As I suspected the business day passed and no call from the GM / Chevrolet Customer Service. I called the Chevrolet dealer about my truck with the defective speedometer and as predicted no one from GM had called the dealer so my truck just sat. I told the dealer to fix the broken speedometer and that if GM wasn't willing to cover the cost of their defective speedometer i'd cover the cost to avoid further safety issues when driving my three year old truck. I've owned three new Chevrolet trucks over the last eight years. My wife has owned two Chevolet Tahoe's both purchased new. I can say with certainty this experience has put me off of GM products. I will be checking out the trucks from Toyota after this experience. I should add, I don't mind making repairs on my 67,000 mile Chevrolet truck. I know it's out of warranty, I accept that. When I find out however that since 2003 defective speedometers have been put in vehicles and then replaced by Chevrolet for owners of 2003/2004 vehicles it makes me feel cheated that when I bought my 2005 truck GM likley knew that the instrument cluster in my vehicle was going to fail before 70,000 miles. The fact that GM would not put me in contact with someone when the truck was waiting at the dealership and then never called me or the dealer really tells alot about what owners of Chevrolet and GM vehicles can expect for their investment.
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