Saturday, July 02, 2011

Beat The Heat With Minnesota Waterparks.

Minnesota has had a really odd summer, cold, hot make up your mind. When Minnesota has bee hot it's been in the high 90's and humid. I'd expect this from south Florida but when Minnesota has harsher summers than Florida what do you do? Well one way to beat the heat and have a great time is to visit one of Minnesota's growning number of water parks. Wisconsin Dell's used to be the place to go for waterparks but certain cities in Minnesota are giving the Dells a run for their money. Take the Edina water park or Maple Grove water park both run by their respective cities. These aren't your usual community pool with maybe one water slide. These are super parks and actually dubbed aquatic centers due to the variety of waterpark activities you'll find. Both the Maple Grove and Edina waterparks offer the typical large lap pool for the fitness types. Both also offer waterpark playgrounds for the kids with lots of things that squirt. Both have huge waterslides but the thing that will be setting the Edina water park apart from the rest is the Flowrider surf park coming in 2012. This will make the Edina water park the second in the state of Minnesota to offer the Flowrider. The only current water park with this is the Waterpark Of America near the Mall of America. Other waterpark options are the Venetian in Maple Grove and I think there are more waterparks in cities like Duluth.