Monday, March 21, 2005

DFL Tactic? Go ahead make my day....

So I just finished reading about the Minnesota DFL's latest tactic to make Minnesota Republicans look like obstructionists. According to the StarTribune article The DFL proposes to solve the budget deficit before any new spending can be proposed. The theory is that it will make things like more education money impossible to spend and force Republicans to act like the spenders that the DFL members really are. To this I say go ahead. I'd gladly go another two years on a no new taxes no new spending plan. This puts increases in areas like education in the hands of local voters where they can decide what type of education their community should offer. Those that don't like that voters agree to can move to other places that like high taxes and lots of diversity coordinators and assistants to the assistant to the senior administrator. Hope I didn't spell anything wrong here. Might show how I vote on school board tax increases.