Saturday, January 05, 2008

Tips For Loan Officers

I found a blog today where I read a great line that would sum up a good approach if your a loan officer. "People do not enjoy shopping for a mortgage, but they DO enjoy shopping for a home." The point of the article was that as a loan officer, you sell your self and your services by your interest in what the customer is trying to accomplish. You don't want to start explaining all your boring typs of mortgage products right off the bat. First you want the client to open up to you by talking about the home they want to buy, not the mortgage that is necessary to get there. By doing so as a loan officer your accomplishing two things. One, your building rappor, and gaining the trust and confidence of your client. Two, if your smart, your learning and listening and using that information to narrow down the suggested loan products you might offer to the prospective client to best meet their needs. This will make shopping for a mortgage as pleasant as it could be by turning the focus to what IS interesting to the client, them and their new home. If you like quality tips like this you might visit the Loan Officer Training website, for a new or seasoned loan officer I think it will inspire you and get you thinking about new approaches as a loan officer.