Sunday, February 04, 2007

Sick Scripts Good For Webmastes And Users

I found a site that benefits both Webmasters and visitors, (which are probably other webmasters). The site is called Sick Scripts and at first glance might appear to be another repository for PHP, CGI, Flash, ASP and other scripts that you might use on your own website. The cool thing about Sick Scripts is that as a submitter you get some SEO friendly credit. You get up to 4 links back to your own site and unlike some dynamic or redirecting type links, these are real SEO friendly links. This does two things. 1: It creates an incentive for folks to freely submit their scripts which would be useful to visitors. 2: It creates an environment for visitors that fosters more scripts and better quality scripts. Everyone is rewarded at Sick Scripts which makes this one of those Internet win win situations.