Sunday, November 13, 2005

Vince Flynn Consent To Kill

If you are a Vince Flynn fan you'll be happy to know a new book from Vince Flynn is out on hardcover called "Consent To Kill". I immediately ordered it from Amazon.Com I'm not usually the hardcover book guy but for a Vince Flynn book its worth every penny.

Like other Vince Flynn books this follows the life and career of Mitch Rapp. The new book Consent To Kill has Mitch Rapp becoming the hunted, not only by an assasin but from buracratic leaders who would try and put a leash on Mitch Rapp. I'm only 1/2 way through Consent To Kill and i'm saying to myself that this may be the best Vince Flynn book yet. Consent To Kill is a novel in written in todays time and world circumstances as it relates to the war on terror. In my lifetime i've never uttered an "uh oh" out loud when reading a book but I did when reading the latest Vince Flynn book and my wife was like What? I didn't have time to explain I just had to keep reading Consent To Kill. Much thanks to Vince Flynn for putting out another stellar book.